Addition through tens using a Numberline

 Addition through tens using a Numberline

Solve the problems below in your maths books - don’t forget to use a numberline (draw this in) to help you jump through the tens.


  1. 23+15=38

  2. 12+32=44

  3. 19+25=34

  4. 18+19=37

  5. 36+14=50

  6. 21+44=65

  7. 45+24=69

  8. 54+68=122

  9. 30+80=110

  10. 60+70=130

  11. 110+23=133

  12. 123+20=143

  13. 108+26=132

  14. 106+43=149

  15. 126+33=159


  1. This looks great. Could you explain how you solved these math problems?


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