acrostic poem.(school) (writing)

new Zealand poem.(writing)

 Normal school 6 hours a day.
Everyday doing work.
Wet after going to the pool.
Zip zap boom.
Excellent, I have done my work.
A game to play. silent ball hooray!
Ling! Bring! The bell just went.
Another day at school at end.
Nice to see you at school today.
Day after day we play and play.


  1. I ended up doing an acrostic poem (new Zealand) but did it about school instead.

  2. I like how you have used nice long sentences in your acrostic poem not just one word. And it is great that most of your sentences are about the same topic, next time we just need to make sure that the topic is similar to the word you are using for you acrostic poem. But I am glad to see that you noticed this and are always trying to improve!

  3. thanks! sorry i was not going on my blog earlier


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