Addition through tens using a Numberline

Addition through tens using a Numberline

Solve the problems below in your maths books - don’t forget to use a numberline (draw this in) to help you jump through the tens.


  1. 23+15=38

  2. 12+32=44

  3. 19+25=34

  4. 18+19=37

  5. 36+14=50

  6. 21+44=65

  7. 45+24=69

  8. 54+68=122

  9. 30+80=110

  10. 60+70=130

  11. 110+23=133

  12. 123+20=143

  13. 108+26=132

  14. 106+43=149

  15. 126+33=159


  1. Good work Harry! Please make sure you are completing the work for the right week. This week is week 7, so check that your tasks have the words week 7 on the top of the page.


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